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To knock the trainer out of the ring in training mode go in training go to trainer on turnbuckle while he's sturdy and facing the outside of the ring punch him and he will fall outside of the ring.NOTE: Every time you do this the trainer will go back to the center of the ring and will climb up again but it's a good joke.
any finishing moves must be attempted when opponents health bar is red.
stone cold steve austin-stone cold stunner f,f,u,tu+blk
the rock-rock bottom- f,f,u,p+tu
mankind-mandible claw- b,f,u,tu
triple-h f,d,b,p+tu
Before giving any big tie up move like a powerbomb or piledriver make sure u give a few good holds basically on the head before giving a big move or something other wise hell reverse. another cheatic if ure in a reversable hold then keep on pressing block vigerously then hell reverse and if ure about to given a slam move,like maybe a samoan drop the justhold down block and hell reverse then (note: u must be very quik )
You Opponent's health bar must be red before attempting these moves!!
Stone Cold Stunner: R,R,U,tieup+block
(at close range)
Or R,R,tieup while in tieup
Rock Bottom: R,R,U,P+tieup(at close range)
Bret and Owens sharpshooter
L,L,U,K+block(at feet of fallen opponent)
Kane and undertaker's tombstone
D,D,D,P+tieup(at close range)
OR D,U,tieup(while i tieup)
Triple h's pedigree
F,D,B,P+tieup(at close range)
Shawn Michaels sweet chin music
R,D,U,K+block(at close range)
British Bulldogs Running powerslam
U,D,tieup(at close range)
Ahmed Johnson's Pearl river plunge
R,L,U,K+block(at close range)
Beat Challenge with ANY CREATED PLAYER with 30 attribute points are more, and you will get the Rattlesnake. It is under the Custom Player on the selection screen.
To get attribute points for Created Players, win Challenge(6 points) Tag Team(3 points) Versus, Weapons, and Cage( all 2 points each). You can only earn the points once for each created player for a total of 40 Attribute points.
To get an easy 40 attribute points for a created player, get 40 points for only ONE created player. Then, when you want to make a new one, load the one with 40 points, change all the features that you want, and save it.
Big heads - Beat challenge on medium or hard with Rock,Bulldog,or Farooq.
stone cold stunner:
up,down,circlemanndibal claw: forward,back,circle
To do a hurricanrana off of the top turnbuckle with Thrasher you must climb up onto the top rope whilst your opponent is standing up and press left, right, up, circle and square. Thrasher will jump off the top rope and hit his opponent with a massive hurricanrana!
Beans Mode:
Win the challenge with Thrasher or Mosh on Medium or Hard. Then when a player is hit they will burp or fart
Stone Cold Stunner
When in tie-up press(r,r,tie-up)
Play as trainer go in to training and when you come out get the cheats menu up and trainer will be there ready for you to play with
Win the world belt with Austin and you will have more costumes. You have got to press L2,R1,R2 for it to work.
Play as rattlesnake(brillent stone cold) All you have to do is win the world belt with any created player.
At the Option screen Press : up, down, up, down, Squ, Squ, circle, Cir, x, Tri, x, Tri
To taunt the opponent press either Square + Circle or Triangle + Cross
Win beat with Bret Hitman Hart or Owen and then play as Sue. To play with sue on player select go to comtome and then she'll be there
Dude Love and Cactus Jack:
Beat the CHALLENGE MODE on medium or hard with MANKIND.
Ladies Night:
To get a female gender in the CREATE A PLAYER beat the game on medium or hard with SHAWN MICHEALS.
To get the TRAINER just start the game. He is under th custom character.
More Dud's:
To get more clothes on CREATE A PLAYER beat the game with KANE on medium or hard.
To activate any of the codes you must do what you must then press L1 and R1 at the SAME time. May take 2 tries.
Submitted by: Richard Arruda
Alternate Costumes
To use the wrestlers alternate outfits, simply hold down L2 while choosing your wrestler. For more costumes, make sure your difficulty is set on Medium or Hard, then follow the instructions below. To unlock Goldust's hidden outfits (Marilyn Dust and Dusty Dust), win the WWF title in Challenge mode with him.
Big Heads
Beat the Challenge mode with the British Bulldog.
Bonus Wrestlers
To play as the Legion of Doom, win the title with each Headbanger. To play as Dude Love and Cactus Jack, win the title with Mankind. To play as the Trainer, enter Training mode Cheat Menu When the elevator is going up, press L1, then press R1 to descend into the basement. This is where your cheat codes will appear once you've unlocked them.
Finishing Moves
Stone Cold Steve Austin - Stone Cold Stunner
When near opponent tap: F,F,U,TU+BLK
When in tieup tap: F,FTUThe RockRock Bottom
When near opponent tap: F,F,U,P+TU
Mankind Mandible - Claw
When near opponent tap: B,F,U,TU
When in tieup tap: B,F,TU
When opponent is on the ground tap: F,D,B,P
Triple H - The Pedigree
When near opponent tap: F,D,B,P+TU
The Undertaker + Kane - Tombstone
When near opponent tap: D,D,D,P+TU
When in tieup tap: U,D,TU
Farrooq - Dominator
When near opponent tap: U,U,U,TU+BLK
Goldust - Curtain Call
When near opponent tap: F,F,TU
Shawn Michaels - Sweet Chin Music
When near opponent tap: F,D,U,K+BLK
Ken Shamrock - Ankle Lock Sybmission
When opponent is on the ground tap: F,D,B,K
Ahmed Johnson - Pearl River Plunge
When near opponent tap: F,B,U,K+BLK
British Buldog - Running Power Slam
When near opponent tap: D,U,TU
Ladies Night
To create a female wrestler, complete challenge mode with Triple H or Shawn Michaels.
No Meters
To turn off all meters, beat the Challenge mode with the Undertaker.
No Wimps Mode
To get the "No Wimps Mode", which turns off all blocking, win the title with Ken Shamrock on medium or hard modes.
Outside Interference
To call for a certain wrestler to run in during a match, hold all four top buttons (L1+L2+R1+R2) and press a direction + a button. Each combination of a direction and a button corresponds to each of the 16 wrestlers in the game.
Note: it becomes a Handicap match with you and whoever you called in against your opponent, but no matter what happens, your opponent will win by Disqualification. Also, it can only be done in a 1-on-1 VS Match. Here are the combinations corresponding to the person you call in:
Button Combination Wrestler -
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Kick Steve Austin
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Punch Faarooq
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+TieUp Mankind
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Block Ahmed Johnson
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Kick Ken Shamrock
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Punch Kane
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+TieUp Thrasher
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Block Mosh
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Kick The British Bulldog
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Punch Shawn Michaels
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+TieUp Bret Hart
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Block Owen Hart
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Kick The Rock
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Punch Goldust
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+TieUp Triple H
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+BlockThe Undertaker
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