For unlimmited ammo press xx sq xx sq xx sq
the information you have is incorrect it is press xsxsxsxs to get super weapons to deactivate press xsxsxsxs
Type XSS XSS XSS in the Weapons options menu and bananna bombs, sheep and mini gun will all become accessable
Plus a few more mysterious level codes for you...
33926 - 70345 - 80765 - 304768 - 4802043 - 7267896 - 37637177 - 43629833 - 223981979 - 903172603 - 6786876866 - 7373888390 - BRITISH - KIG IS COL - DOOM SUCKS - WORMS RULE
Boxing Ring
During gameplay, execute a fire punch or a dragonball. Then quickly hold Square and press R1, L1, Circle. If done correctly, one worm from each team will teleport to a boxing arena.
Infinite Banana Bombs
At the Weapons Options screen, press Down, Right, X, Square, Square, X, Square, Square, X, Square, Square. This code is not for use with the Special Weapons code (X + Square 8x).
Special Weapons
At the Weapons Select screen, press Square + X 8 times.
Suicide Mode
Pause gameplay and press X, X, X, X, Square, Square, Square, Square, X, X, X, X, Square, Square, Square, Square.
Landscape Codes
To enter a custom-generated landscape code, press X to clear the preset code when a landscape is being randomly generated at the beginning of a game: