Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

Pause gameplay, hold L2 and press Down, Up, Left, Left, Triangle, Right, Down.
Select One-Liners
Pause gameplay, hold L2 and press Down, Right, left, Circle, Up, Right, then press Select for one-liners.
10 Lives
When you have access to the vault, press Square, X, Circle, Circle, triangle, Square.
1 Life
When you have access to the vault, press Triangle, Circle, Star, Square, Square, X.
When you have access to the vault, press Square, Star, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Diamond.
Play as Alfred
When you have access to the vault, press Square, X, Triangle, Square, Star, Star.
Play as Cuz
When you have access to the vault, press Square, Diamond, Square, Square, Triangle, Diamond.
Play as Rex
When you have access to the vault, press Square, Star, Star, Square, Triangle, Triangle.
Gex Video 1
When you have access to the vault, press Circle, Triangle, Square, Star, Diamond, Star.
Gex Video 2
When you have access to the vault, press Diamond, Star, Square, X, Triangle, Circle.
Gex Video 3
When you have access to the vault, enter X, Diamond, Star, Triangle, Triangle, Circle.
View All FMV Sequences
When you have access to the vault, enter Star, X, X, Circle, Square, Triangle.
Eight Hit Paws
When you have access to the vault, enter Square, Diamond, Triangle, Triangle, Star, Diamond.
Debug Mode
Pause gameplay, hold L2 and press Up, Circle, Right, Up, Left, Right, Down (press Select for Debug menu).
98% Complete
Password: Square, Circle, R1, Triangle, L1 R1, L1, R1, Circle, Circle, R1 Triangle, L1, R1, Circle, L1, Triangle Circle, R1, Triangle, L1, R1, Circle L1, Triangle, Circle, R1, L1
Best Ending
Password: R1, R2, X, L2, Square X, Square, R2, R2, R2, X L2, Square, X, R2, Square, L2 R2, X, L2, Square, X, R2 Square, L2, R2, X, Square